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Fahad Shahbaz


Personal Bio

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Fahad Shahbaz is the President of Youth General Assembly. In 2014, began his undergraduate career at Government College University before moving to the University of Punjab. After graduating with the bachelor’s degree, he got a master’s degree from the School of Communication Studies, Punjab University. As a successful debater, he has been able to national declamatory contests and has been an extravagant orator in both parliamentary debates and model united nations and is considered to be a great mentor for the young candidates in the debating circuit.

Fahad has worked with the government on different platforms which are designed for the betterment of youth. Being a true advocate of the Rule of Law, he successfully initiated the YGA Legal Forum which guarantees equal access to justice for all without discrimination on the grounds of race, sex, religion etc. Furthermore, Mr. Fahad has the honour to represent Pakistan in several National and International summits such as Arab International Youth Conference UAE, B2B Networking Conference Turkey, St. Petersburg International Economic Forum Russia and Sheikh Zayed International Peace Conference UAE. He is a reflection of a true leader whose objective is to empower youth. He strictly believes that empowerment of youth can serve as a tool to make Pakistan progressive.

Country of Residence: Pakistan

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