Ciarb Membership Survey

Ciarb 2023 membership survey

As your membership body, Ciarb constantly seeks to enhance and improve its support for members.

To help us understand what support you need from us and how we can best support you, both now and in the future, we are conducting a membership survey.

This is your opportunity to let us know how you feel about, rate and value different aspects of the services and resources provided so that we can improve our services for members.

We have commissioned Research by Design (RbD), an independent market research consultancy, to conduct the survey on our behalf.

During September and October 2023, you may be contacted by RbD to participate.

Research participants’ anonymity will be protected, and any information provided will be kept strictly confidential.

Research by Design FAQs

We want to understand what support members need from us and how we can best support you, both now and in the future.

The feedback will help us to improve our services for members. To achieve this, Ciarb has commissioned Research by Design, an independent market research consultancy, to conduct the survey on its behalf.

Research by Design is an independent market research company that has been commissioned by CIArb to undertake research on its behalf. Research by Design operates under the Market Research Society’s (MRS) Code of Conduct, which ensures that research participants’ anonymity is protected, and that information provided is kept strictly confidential.

Research by Design’s website is:

Research by Design is registered as a Data Controller to undertake research in any field, including market, health, lifestyle, scientific or technical research, under the Data Protection Act 1998; registration number Z5405593.

Research by Design is committed to meeting the requirements of the following laws and codes:

  • The EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
  • Data Protection Act 1998 and the new Data Protection Bill 2017
  • ICC/ESOMAR (European Society for Opinion and Marketing Research) International Code on Market and Social Research.

All responses will be aggregated and reported together. All responses will remain anonymous and confidential. Specific comments will not be attributed to any individual (unless you agree otherwise).

Contact details:

Ciarb - Please email

Research by Design - Please email Kellie Powney: