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Israr Ullah Khan

LLB Hons, BTC, Phd (on going)

Personal Bio

Job Title: Barrister (non-reg) & DPhil in Law at Oxford University

Areas of Expertise:

I am a legal scholar and practitioner, currently engaged in advanced research as a DPhil in Law candidate at the University of Oxford. My primary area of research focuses on the intricate dynamics of Investor-State Disputes within the framework of China's Belt and Road Initiative. This cutting-edge study places me at the forefront of understanding and navigating the complexities of international investment disputes in one of the 21st century’s most significant global infrastructure endeavours.

Beyond academia, I hold the distinction of being a barrister (non-registered) in England and Wales, as well as a licensed advocate in Pakistan. This dual qualification endows me with a unique perspective on legal matters, bridging the gap between Eastern and Western legal traditions. My practice and expertise encompass a range of legal disciplines, with a special emphasis on litigation, arbitration, mediation, and adjudication in commercial, investment and public international law.

Country of Residence: England

Primary Branch: Scotland

Secondary Branch: London