
Ciarb UAE Branch Annual General Meeting

At Jumeirah Emirates Towers Hotel in the DIFC, Dubai

2 July 2024

The AGM, which approved the election of members to the Branch Committee for 2024, was attended by 30 members in person with others joining online.

Seminar presented by LexisNexis Legal: 

There was also a seminar presented by Calum Birse from LexisNexis Legal & Professional, on their newly developed Lexis+ AI, which they consider to be the fastest legal generative AI with conversational search, drafting, summarization, document analysis, and misleading results-free linked legal citations.

Ciarb UAE Branch Event: Ciarb Mediation Roundtable

Al Aidarous, ADGM office in Abu Dhabi
4 July 2024


The presentation included a discussion of the UAE Federal Decree Law No. 40 of 2023, concerning mediation and conciliation in civil and commercial disputes.


Hashem AlAidarous
Haitham Mokhta
Robert Sliwinski C.Arb FCIArb
Sean Yates FCIArb
Wolf von Kumberg FCIArb