Pubs Code Adjudicator Arbitration Referral Service

Ciarb is the sole provider of Arbitration Referral Services to the Pubs Code Adjudicator (PCA). Please use the Referral Form if your MRO event (the event which gave you the right to ask for the MRO option) was after 1 April 2022 and for non-MRO referrals. 

To make a new referral for arbitration under the Pubs Code, please complete the Referral Form and send it to the Ciarb Dispute Appointment Service by email to

Pubs Code Adjudicator (PCA) Panel

Andrew Noble

FCIArb, LLB (Hons), FRICS, Barrister at Law, Chartered Surveyor & Chartered Arbitrator

Bernadette Barker

FCIArb, C.Arb, DipICArb, BA(Hons), DipArch, RIBA MSc(Construction Law & Arbitration), MIFire MAE

Charles Brown

FCIArb, C. Arb, LLB, Chartered Arbitrator

Jonathan Bellamy

FCIArb, C.Arb

Matthew Martin

FCIArb, PGD Arb, Dip Urb Val

Michael Cover

FCIArb, Chartered Arbitrator

Nigel Davies


Nigel Puddicombe

FCIArb, C.Arb


Peter Collie

FCIArb, C.Arb, LL.B(Hons), LL.M


Robert Pratt



Rober Sliwinski

FCIArb, DipIntArb, BSc LLB(Hons), FRSA, Chartered Arbitrator


Siamak Soudagar

FCIArb, C.Arb, DipSurv, PGDipArb, FRICS, MCIOB



Susan Lindsey

FCIArb, C.Arb



Before making a referral

There is a difference between a general enquiry and a formal referral to the PCA for arbitration.

Before you make a formal referral, you should read the PCA Factsheets. They are designed to answer the key questions tenants ask about their Pubs Code rights.

You may find it particularly helpful to read the following:

What Tied Pub Tenants Need to Know about Pubs Code Arbitration Disputes.


What Tied Pub Tenants Need to Know about Getting Help and Support with the Pubs Code and Arbitration.

The Pubs Code has very strict deadlines connected with rights under the Code and for making arbitration referrals to the PCA. If you have a query about the Pubs Code, you can contact your pub-owning business Code Compliance Officer or the PCA enquiry service. 

Making a referral

The Referring party must pay the referral fee of £200. This must be paid:

  • at the time the referral is made
  • by bank transfer.

This fee is payable to 

Business Current Account: PCA Arbitration Service
Currency: GBP
Branch Sort Code: 400503
Account Number: 81496352
IBAN: GB33HBUK40050381496352

Pubs Code Arbitrator Standards and Closure Form

The standards set out what the PCA expects from a Pubs Code arbitrator and in turn will make this clearer for the parties. They cover, among other things, expectations for how the arbitrator will communicate with the parties, case progression and timescales and the use of the PCA’s powers as regulator to require information about the arbitration.


To ensure the outcome of the case is recorded correctly for reporting purposes, the Pubs Code Arbitrator will be required to complete the closure form.

For further enquiries, please contact:

Ciarb Dispute Appointment Service

T: 0207 421 7455