Scotland Branch Committee

Branch Chair

Brandon Malone FCIArb

Vice Chair and Events Co-convenor

Andrew Drennan MCIArb

Honorary Secretary and Treasurer

Chiara Pieri ACIArb

Committee Member

Andrew Agapiou MCIArb

Social Media and Website Co-convenor and Newsletter Co-convenor

Committee Member

Lisa Cattanach FCIArb

Events Co-convenor and Arbitration/Adjudication Mentoring and Pupillage Convenor

Committee Member

David Christie ACIArb

Northern Chapter

Committee Member

Hamish Clark MCIArb

Sponsorship Co-convenor

Committee Member

Derek Crawford MCIArb

Newsletter Co-convenor

Committee Member

Kahleen Crawford MCIArb

Mediation Mentoring and Pupillage Convenor

Committee Member

Lisa Dobbin ACIArb

YMG Co-convenor

Committee Member

Robert Hunter FCIArb

Dinner Convenor

Committee Member

Caroline McDermott FCIArb

Events Co-convenor and Social and Website Media Co-convenor

Committee Member

Peter McLean-Buechel FCIArb

Lead Newsletter Co-convenor

Committee Member

Corrinne McLeish MCIArb

Events Co-convenor and Newsletter Co-convenor

Committee Member

Torquil Murray FCIArb

Immediate Past Chair and Sponsorship Co-convenor

Committee Member

Amy Pairman ACIArb

YMG Co-convenor

Committee Member

Ian Trushell FCIArb (Retired)

Education Convenor